200 L Supercritical CO2 SYSTEM


The Aptia 200 Liter Extraction Plant is best suited for high throughput processing facilities seeking to process 750 Lbs or more of plant material per week. The heart of the extraction plant is a massively robust and powerful process pump that guarantees years of trouble-free service. Top-notch automation ensures operator safety, recipe repeatability, and simplified operation. Multi-level ASME-approved overpressure safety protection, stout process lines, and industrial component selection give the operator and business owner piece of mind. Specialized, industrial refrigeration equipment and boilers couple to provide exceptional reliability in tough climates, as well as unbelievably low operating costs. Aptia’s has engineered the best solution to large scale processing needs.


  • Most common extractor configuration is (2x) 100 Liter extraction cylinders
  • Throughput per Day of 250 + Lbs per day
  • Efficient Extraction of both Decarboxylated and Non-Decarboxylated feedstock
  • Easy access to both top and bottom of Separators and Extractors (No sledgehammers or air tools required)
  • Proprietary quick-open vessel closures, reducing labor and tool requirements
  • Robust automation package with touch screen control performs startup, extraction, pumpdown, diagnostic scans, and safety venting
  • Diverse and flexible operating pressures, achieving complete extractions in reduced time
  • Automated temperature control during extraction from ambient up to 150 F
  • Fractional collection in 3 vessels, allowing for greater preservation of terpenes and flavor compounds
  • ASME certified pressure vessels
  • Greater than 90% CO2 recycle
  • Separator design optimizes extract flavor and color

Additional Information

Contact Aptia for additional information.